For this particular shot I used the following setup:
One (1) SB-800 on 1/8 HONL speed grid slightly above subject and placed to camera right. Power set at 1/8. One (1) SB-800 at 45 degree angle behind subject to camera left, fitted with a HONL gobo. Power set to 1/16. One (1) SB-900 with same setup as previous but set to camera right. All triggered by SB-800 on camera via CLS.
Post processing consisted of Nik Filters Pro Contrast, Darken/Lighten layers followed by high pass filter in Photoshop, with additional tweaking in Lightroom.

Same Strobist setup as above with post processing using Nik'Color Efex Pro 3.0 and Nik's Silver Efex Pro.

Again, same strobist setup as above and post processing done using Nik's Color Efex Pro 3.0