1. Shot using Noct-Nikkor 58mm f1.2. If you are not used to manual focus through the viewfinder, I picked up a tip from fellow TPMGer Charlie to use Live View when in need of precise focus. It worked every single time.

2. Another shot with the Noct-Nikkor 58mm f1.2

3. This one was taken with a rare Nikon 28mm f1.4 prime. Amazing what fast glass and the clean high ISO (4000 in this case) of the D3 can do with just a tiny bit of available light. This place was quite dark.

4. Shot with another rare piece of glass, a manual focus 35mm f1.4

5. This one was shot with a good old Nikon 50mm f1.4. I tried the new G version and really didn't notice any difference in performance but then again, I'm no pixel peeper.

6. The only D3x at the outing and Shelley wished it was hers ;-)

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