Well, today is well above the freezing mark and I'm spending it inside my apartment as I've come down sick with a cold again. That can only mean one thing, either go through old shots or do self-portraits. Well, let's just say that I look just like a feel, which is not a good thing. I found a couple of old shots that never made it to Flickr because they needed some post processing added:
On this one I had to clone out a good chunk of a translucent umbrella that was showing up on the left upper corner of the frame:

This one needed a bit more colour and contrast added to it:

I also added more colour and created a blurred background for this one:
Muy buena !!!
Epa Kike, muchas gracias por el comentario. Apenas lo vi hoy. Esta vaina la configure para que me mandara mensajes cada vez que alguien hace un comentario pero mas bien lo hace cuando le da la gana. Por ahi vi las fotos de tu blog de aeromodelismo, estan bien cheveres.
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